onsdag den 12. marts 2008

The Great Spec Knockout and Vodka Shooting Competition Is Coming To An End

It's been about a fortnight since my last post and I've managed to climb a whole level up the progression ladder. Impressive dedication and awesome skillz is what I'm made of... Still I've been awfully busy with repairing my kitchen after the Great Concrete Collapse of 2008. The project ended with a very nice and very pretty kitchen table in a nice grey hue that matched my other colors of choice. Or actually, make that two nice grayish kitchen matching tables. The bugger cracked right in the middle. A beautiful straight crack, but nonetheless a big ol' crack. 
I've managed to fit a few temporary solutions regarding water and stove, but things are not at ease in the Hundred Acre Wood...

In Azeroth Morannon dinged 64 yesterday. I've decided that levelling from 60-70 is a downright b1tch. The only sensible reaction to this is a decision only to play when I'm getting rested xp to maximize the benefits my time investment. Luckily Blegfed the Warlock and Tveskaeg the Hunter are in dire need of some quality time lovin', and rested xp last quite long when the level bar is 700k long :) 
After dinging 64 and visiting the nice folks at the Moonglade I hearted back to Blade's Edge. I logged of and watched Inter leave the Champions League with a bitter defeat to Liverpool (darned english teams...). Did a wee bit of studying and went to bet. And then it hit me! Braxxis is burning in my backpack like a five dollar bill on fire in a strippers thong. Out of bed and booting up the game. Logging on without my lenses in was harder than anticipated (I'm blind as mole without 'em) but somehow I managed, and the rewards was sweeeeet. 13.000 armor and 67% damage reduction. I just became 15% more healer friendly :) And I'm just two levels away from Lacerate. ZOMG I love this game! 

At 64 Lifebloom arrived in my spellbook. The lure of resto never sleeps it seems. I was sorely tempted to respec using Phae's balance/resto leveling spec, but the huge armor boost of Braxxis has steadied my hand. For a while atleast. So 2-3 to feral but the resto/balance is pushing hard to even out the score.

3 kommentarer:

Blue sagde ...

Hey I just stumbled across your blog from a comment you left on mine due to Phae linking me in her's, the internet, it's marvelous. Anyway I am bookmarking your blog. You're like my feral counterpart!

We're even the same level! Although I have to say leveling Resto/Balance for me has been all love. But... I must admit I rarely solo and spend a HUGE amount of time inside instances. I would imagine being a feral druid has huge advantages regarding downtime/drinking-time Good Luck! I'll be checking in on your blog :)

Chefen sagde ...
Denne kommentar er fjernet af forfatteren.
Morannon sagde ...

Thanks for stopping by :)

The downtime when soloing is almost non-existent and makes for a really smooth leveling process. I spend a decent amount of time in instances, but haven't been healing since Maraudon. It's really a fun coincidence that we're blogging on leveling a druid at the same levels, but from the two ends of the spectre! I'll be following your blog too :)

And yeah, the internet in general and Phae in particular is brilliant :)